Terms of Use

These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as “these Terms”) stipulate the conditions for using the online shop (hereinafter referred to as “the Service”) provided on this website by Sato Store (hereinafter referred to as “the Store”). Registered users (hereinafter referred to as “Users”) are required to use the Service in accordance with these Terms.

Article 1 (Application)

These Terms shall apply to all relationships related to the use of the Service between the User and the Store. In addition to these Terms, the Store may establish various provisions (hereinafter referred to as “Individual Provisions”) such as rules for use. These Individual Provisions, regardless of their name, shall form part of these Terms. If the provisions of these Terms conflict with the provisions of the Individual Provisions, the Individual Provisions shall take precedence unless otherwise specified.

Article 2 (User Registration)

To use the Service, an applicant wishing to register must agree to these Terms and apply for user registration using the method prescribed by the Store, and user registration shall be completed when the Store notifies the applicant of its approval. The Store may reject the registration application if the applicant falls under any of the following reasons, without any obligation to disclose the reason:

  • If the applicant has submitted false information during the application process;
  • If the applicant has previously violated these Terms;
  • If the Store deems the registration inappropriate for any other reason.

Article 3 (Management of User ID and Password)

Users are responsible for managing their User ID and password for the Service. Under no circumstances shall Users transfer or lend their User ID and password to third parties or share them with third parties. The Store will assume that a login using a User ID and password combination matching the registered information is being made by the registered User. The Store will not be liable for any damages arising from the use of a User ID or password by a third party unless the Store is found to have committed intentional misconduct or gross negligence.

Article 4 (Purchase Contract)

In the Service, a purchase contract is formed when a User applies for a purchase with the Store and the Store notifies the User of its acceptance. Ownership of the product is transferred to the User when the Store hands the product over to the shipping company. The Store may cancel the purchase contract without prior notice to the User if the User falls under any of the following:

  • If the User violates these Terms;
  • If delivery is not completed due to an unknown address or prolonged absence;
  • If the Store deems the trust between the User and the Store to be impaired. Payment methods, shipping methods, cancellation of purchase applications, return methods, and other matters related to the Service are governed by separate provisions set by the Store.

Article 5 (Intellectual Property Rights)

The copyrights and other intellectual property rights for product photos and other content (hereinafter referred to as “Content”) provided by the Service belong to the Store or rightful owners such as content providers. Users may not reproduce, transmit, modify, or otherwise use the Content without permission.

Article 6 (Prohibited Acts)

Users are prohibited from performing the following actions while using the Service:

  • Violating laws or public order and morals;
  • Engaging in criminal activities;
  • Infringing intellectual property rights such as copyrights and trademark rights contained within the Service;
  • Damaging or disrupting the Store’s servers or network functions;
  • Commercially using information obtained from the Service;
  • Obstructing the operation of the Service;
  • Engaging in unauthorized access or attempts thereof;
  • Collecting or storing personal information of other Users;
  • Impersonating other Users;
  • Providing benefits to anti-social forces related to the Service;
  • Other actions deemed inappropriate by the Store.

Article 7 (Suspension of Service Provision)

The Store may suspend or interrupt the provision of all or part of the Service without prior notice to Users if it deems any of the following circumstances to exist:

  • When performing maintenance or updates on the computer system related to the Service;
  • When the provision of the Service becomes difficult due to force majeure such as earthquakes, lightning, fires, power outages, or natural disasters;
  • When computers or communication lines are interrupted due to accidents;
  • When the Store deems it difficult to provide the Service for other reasons. The Store will not be liable for any disadvantage or damage suffered by the User or third parties due to the suspension or interruption of the Service, regardless of the reason.

Article 8 (Usage Restrictions and Deregistration)

The Store may restrict the use of all or part of the Service or deregister a User without prior notice if the User falls under any of the following:

  • If the User violates any of the provisions of these Terms;
  • If it is found that the registered information contains false information;
  • If the credit card provided by the User as a payment method is suspended;
  • If there is a default in payment obligations such as fees;
  • If the User fails to respond to communications from the Store for a certain period;
  • If the User has not used the Service for a certain period;
  • If the Store deems the use of the Service inappropriate. The Store shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User due to actions taken by the Store under this Article.

Article 9 (Withdrawal)

Users may withdraw from the Service by following the prescribed withdrawal procedures.

Article 10 (Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability)

The Store does not guarantee that the Service is free of de facto or legal defects (including defects related to safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, effectiveness, suitability for a particular purpose, security, etc.). The Store shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User due to the Service. However, this disclaimer does not apply if the contract between the Store and the User (including these Terms) constitutes a consumer contract under the Consumer Contract Act. Even in such cases, the Store will not be liable for special damages caused by the Store’s negligence (excluding gross negligence), and damages caused by special circumstances (including cases where the Store or User foresaw or could have foreseen the damage). The Store is not responsible for any disputes, communications, or transactions between Users and other Users or third parties in relation to the Service.

Article 11 (Changes to Service Content)

The Store may change the content of the Service or discontinue the Service without notice to Users, and the Store shall not be liable for any damages incurred by Users as a result.

Article 12 (Changes to the Terms)

The Store may change these Terms at any time without notifying Users if deemed necessary. If a User starts using the Service after the changes to these Terms, the User shall be deemed to have agreed to the revised Terms.

Article 13 (Handling of Personal Information)

The Store shall handle personal information obtained through the use of the Service appropriately in accordance with the Store’s “Privacy Policy.”

Article 14 (Notifications and Communications)

Notifications or communications between the User and the Store shall be made in accordance with the methods specified by the Store. Unless the User notifies the Store of a change in contact information using a method separately specified by the Store, the Store shall assume the currently registered contact information is valid and send notifications or communications to that contact information. These notifications or communications shall be deemed to have reached the User at the time of dispatch.

Article 15 (Prohibition of Transfer of Rights and Obligations)

Users may not transfer or offer as collateral their position under the usage contract or their rights or obligations under these Terms to third parties without the prior written consent of the Store.

Article 16 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

The interpretation of these Terms shall be governed by Japanese law. The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall be excluded in relation to the Service. In the event of a dispute arising in relation to the Service, the court with jurisdiction over the location of the Store’s headquarters shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

Article 17 (Policy Regarding the Use of Proxy Purchasing or Forwarding Services)

Our products are intended to be purchased through official sales channels. Therefore, the use of third-party proxy purchasing services or forwarding services to purchase our products is strictly prohibited. If a purchase is found to have been made through such services, we may take the following actions:

  1. Order Cancellation: Orders made through proxy purchasing or forwarding services may be canceled without prior notice.
  2. Account Suspension or Termination: If it is confirmed that a purchase was made using a proxy purchasing or forwarding service, we reserve the right to temporarily suspend or permanently terminate the associated account.
  3. Void of Warranty and Support: Products purchased through proxy purchasing or forwarding services will be excluded from any warranties and customer support.

We are committed to providing support and warranty services to customers who purchase products through official channels. Please be aware that the above measures will be enforced if the use of proxy purchasing or forwarding services is detected.